A Wedding Planners Guide to Toasts and Speeches

A simple guide...

Giving speeches at weddings is a tradition that dates backcenturies. Traditionally given by the father of the bride, the groom and thebest man, the purposes of speeches are to entertain, give thanks and provide aback story. The speeches offer a break in the format of the wedding day andallow guests to appreciate and celebrate the couple’s relationship.

From a wedding planner’s point of view the speeches oftenrepresent bridging the gap between formal ceremony and evening party. Time toclear the tables, open the bar and up the tempo! I specialise in marqueeweddings in Sussex and Surrey so I’ve seen my fair share of speeches - good,bad and ugly!

History of Speeches and Toasts

Ever wondered why a ‘toast’ is so-called? Historically, the Romans would drop a piece of burnt bread into their wine in order to temper the acidity. Ever thought about the correct way to toast? Hold your glass in you right hand and extend it straight out from the shoulder. This gesture shows you come in friendship and peace. In ancient societies, marriage ceremonies represented a truce in waring neighbours. The leaders’ children were married, and the bride’s father would drink from his glass first to prove there was no poison in the wine. Over the next centuries the term ‘toasting’ gradually incorporated the honouring of people. By the 17th and 18th centuries toastmasters were employed to ensure that toasting was kept under control!

So what should wedding speeches include?

The best wedding speeches are a blend of humour, nostalgiaand sentiment. From a wedding planner’s point of view I would strongly urge youto give your speech careful thought and consideration. Try not to cut and pastewhat you find online… I’ve seen, or should I say heard this too many times!

The father of the bride usually speaks first, at the end ofthe meal. It’s their job to welcome guests and thank them for coming. He shouldspeak for the bride’s whole family, expressing what she means to them,including anecdotes from growing up, praising the groom and leading the toastfor the newlyweds and absent friends.

We then move on to the groom’s speech and this should be addressed on behalf of himself and his new wife. He should pay tribute to his wife and include anecdotes about their courtship and relationship. The groom leads the toast to thank the hosts and bridesmaids.

The role of the best man’s speech is often misunderstood. Hisjob is not to rip the groom to shreds, but to portray him to the guests in afavourable light. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the groom’s character, andhis good fortune in finding love. The best man should take the audience intoconsideration when regaling anecdotes!

Top Tips

  1. Ensure speech givers liaise with each other soanecdotes aren’t repeated, and they can introduce each other.
  2. A toast should encourage guests to repeat thelast line spoken. For example, “Please join me in wishing the newlyweds alifetime of happiness, to the bride and groom.” Everyone repeats “to the brideand groom” and takes a sip of wine.

When should wedding speeches take place?

Traditionally speeches start after the meal althoughincreasingly couples choose to break tradition and mix things up. Youmight decide to do the speeches before the wedding breakfast so thespeech-givers can then relax. Or have a speech between each course to breakthings up. I’d suggest not planning a speech before the main meal, if thingsrun over and your catering team are waiting to serve hot food, there could beproblems!

Modern traditions and wedding speeches.

Couples these days are increasingly turning traditions ontheir head. It may be that the bride, maid of honour or mother of the bridemakes a speech, they may be an alternative to speeches, for example you mightinvite a family member or friend to read a poem or sing a song. Indeed, moderncouples may decide not to have speeches at all.

The traditional format of speeches might still work forfamilies who are still one unit. As I mentioned earlier for example, the fatherof the bride is expected to speak on behalf of the family. But what if thebride’s father and mother are no longer together? In this case a bride mightask both her parents to speak, or both her father and step father to speak? Orheck, forget the traditional father of the bride speech if it’s too complicatedand speak herself, or give the honour to a sibling? Basically, anything goes,the tradition of only hearing from male members of the bridal party is ratheroutdated in this feminist age.

In terms of beverages, Champagne is most commonly served fortoasts, but you could absolutely think outside the box and have your guests toastingwith a different tipple. How about your favourite cocktail? Espresso Martiniperhaps?

Wedding Speech Nerves

Want to give your son, daughter or best friend an amazing weddingspeech but terrified of standing up in front of everyone? You’re not alone,fear of public speaking is said to be one of the most common phobias in theworld. You have visions of epic speeches from rom coms; raucous laughter andheartfelt tears in equal measures. The reality is, your legs might be jelly orthe Dutch courage might have been, erm rather too much Dutch courage? There’s afine line! Consider who’s speaking and when might be a good time for them tospeak i.e. to ‘get it over and done with’ so they can relax and enjoythemselves, or there might be someone who’s more suited to take centre stagelater in the day, when everyone’s a little more lubricated. Hypnotherapy canhelp overcome fear, increase self-confidence and help keeps nerves at bay onthe big day.T

Wedding planner’s advice

As I said earlier, consider the timings of your speeches sothey don’t impact on important factors of the day, like food service. I willalways talk you through practicalities such as having enough extra Champagneflutes for the toasts. I will of course discreetly make sure everyone’s seatedfor the speeches, the music’s turned down and everyone has a drink. Waiting andkitchen staff are instructed to be discreet during speeches i.e. kitchenchatter to be kept to a minimum and waiting staff to be discreet but on handfor requests. Acoustics is a factor for marquee weddings too.

I hope this information offers some valuable advice. I am a professional wedding planner in Sussex and Surrey. I specialise in marquee weddings and would love to chat to you about my services. Please contact me to arrange a consultation.

Susie Evans

Fully trained, professional and experienced wedding planner, I cover the South East specialising in marquee and exclusive venues. UKAWP Member


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